Mobile launcher
A presentation by Lev Kostevich,
a student of TPU Lyceum
Range of problem
Lack of safe ways to launch student and amateur rockets and lack of safe launch pads and launchers in the Russian markets.
Build a small launcher and test it in the field using specially made rockets.
  • Build a launcher
  • Create rockets
  • Experience all of the above
Project completion stages
Create models and drawings of the launcher, rockets
01.01 - 25.01
Make all the parts, carry out a planned assembly
25.01 - 01.06
Conduct field tests of the launcher and rockets
01.06 - 01.07
Present a project at regional, all-Russian and international fairs / competitions
01.07 - ∞
Project results
  • Drawings and models of the launcher were created
  • Launcher frame was made
  • Necessary electronics were selected
  • Selected materials for unfinished launcher/ rockets parts
How the rocket works
Project's budget
The project is aimed at improving the safety level of amateur launches, it should reduce the risk of injury and damage to objects / structures around.
Thank you for your attention!
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